The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. (Deuteronomy 33:27, NIV)
The cold season has arrived, so you might as well treat yourself to a good book while you work on staying warm.
Set your thermostat at a temperature you’re comfortable with then relax with one or more of my books from the booklist below. The booklist that follows includes a Christian novel and writer reference.
As you keep your body warm under the covers or by the fire, Help From Above will warm your soul! Or, if your sipping hot chocolate while surfing the internet for those resources for writers, On the Net Resource Guide for Writers will save you time and let you focus on the more important things: getting published!
Christian Novels
Help From Above
First published by Virtual Bookworm Publishing, Inc. in March 2002.
Spiritual Journey
This is an upcoming novel that will be the first book of my upcoming Christian fiction series.
Writer Reference
On the Net Resource Guide for Writers
First published by Virtual Bookworm Publishing, Inc. in July 2002.